Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Digital Technology Impact for Social Change Survey

Previously has been reported that Walden University has conducted a global survey about the phenomenon of users who use technology on social change and community. And according to the global survey, men are more likely than women to use mobile devices in particular for the use of text messages related to positive social change issues, particularly in Mexico (23% vs. 16% female), United States (7% vs. 4%) , France (7% vs. 1%), Japan (5% vs. 2%) and Germany (4% vs. 1%).

"Social technology has opened the door to global change, by passing information from person to person, regardless of the distance, with lightning speed. But those who take advantage of digital technology and social media for pro-social that will end up creating the largest positive social change in the future. "

In addition, social networking is a tool that is more common than using blogs or SMS to engage in social change among young adults in almost all countries. Of young adults who have been using social networking in the last six months to engage in social change, the highest usage was reported in Mexico (40%), India (39%) and England (37%). In China (50%) and Japan (12%), blogging is a digital way of engaging in social change among young adults. SMS to engage in social change is very common in India (38% of the 18-25-year-olds).

Walden University conducted a survey to discover the current state of the involvement of social change in America and around the world. Impact of Social Change Report: Global Survey of Social Change is a continuation of WaldenGlobal Impact Report, which is designed to provide a barometer involved in social change, what matters to them and how they work together to advance the issues of social change in the interest of present and future. This global survey is covering attitudes, behaviors and motivations of the U.S. and the international community.

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